Angelo Soliman’s estate (1796)

After Angelo Soliman died on 20 November 1796, his only daughter Josephine had to apply for the release of his estate to her. This required that she provide an inventory of his possessions, and this inventory provides us with a unique insight into Soliman’s standing. Unlike his contemporary Ignatius Fortuna, Soliman died with relatively little wealth, even though he was well-known and widely respected in Vienna. Note also that he had no outstanding debts. Although it is a theory that has been suggested in many different places, including a recent Austrian film, there is no historical evidence that he was in a state of such indebtedness that he willingly sold his body to be exhibited after his death.

Jeff Bowersox

Angelo Soliman's Estate_cropped.jpg

Source: “Verlassenschaftabhandlung (28 November 1796),” Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv Akt 3.1.4.A1.S44 Angelo Soliman.

Transcribed by Dr. Margaret Lewis, University of Tennessee-Martin.

Creative Commons License

Angelo Soliman’s estate (1796) by Jeff Bowersox is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at