An African with her child (1961)

Halle Neustadt Am Gastronom Afrikanerin mit Kind 01

Gerhard Geyer (1907-1989) was a sculptor based in Halle who won the favor of the East German government. His works were highly regarded, were purchased or otherwise sponsored by a number of state institutions, and can still be found around the former GDR. A few of his works were the product of a state-sponsored research trip that he took to newly independent Ghana in 1961. The most prominent is Freies Afrika, which the University of Halle placed right next to its main building and dedicated to Anton Wilhelm Amo, but the series also includes the sculpture below, entitled simply An African with Her Child, and another work entitled Young Africa, which depicts a determined woman looking forward to a bright and hopeful future after decolonization.

Jeff Bowersox

Halle Neustadt Am Gastronom Afrikanerin mit Kind 02

Source: Gerhard Geyer, Afrikanerin mit King (Halle, 1961), image courtesy of Martin Beitz (Halle im Bild). ©Martin Beitz.

Creative Commons License

An African with her child (1961) by Jeff Bowersox is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at