Videos to Watch

A series of film and video recommendations.

They are organized into the following categories:

Web Series on YouTube
Short Film Clips and Excerpts
Full-Length Feature Films


Schwarz Rot Gold/Schwarz Rot Gold TV
This web series documents Black German biographies in contemporary Germany.

This series uses brief autobiographical sketches from migrants and minorities to offer “new perspectives on our country.” (auf deutsch)

Polyglot is a web series following the life of an Afro-German woman in Berlin.

Witnessed is a series of short clips featuring black authors and artists in Germany.

Based in Switzerland and Ghana, a series of discussions on Black literature as a tool for critical knowledge, sharing, and societal and personal change.


Afrodeutsch (2007)

A short film by Tyron Ricketts, with Aristonfilm and Panthertainment productions, on the experiences of growing up as an Afro-German.

“Kennt der Deutsch?” (1974)
A clip from the NDR documentary, Ein Deutscher Boxer (2012).

Shit some white Germans say to black Germans
A personal account of the racist comments a black German encounters in his everyday life.

Shit White Germans Say to Black Germans
A comedic treatment of racial comments encountered in everyday life.

Jennifer Teege
The granddaughter of a Nazi war criminal on Deutsche Welle.


Schwarz und deutsch (2021)

Women and men from four generations tell their moving, powerful, proud stories. The film connects them to a story of racism, survival and self-assertion

Afro-Deutschland (2017)
This 2016 documentary uses interviews with figures like Sami Deluxe, Gerald Asamoah, and Theodor Michale to explore what it means to be Black in Germany today.

Majubs Reise (2014)
This 2014 documentary follows the life and career of Black actor Majub bin Adam Mohamed Hussein, who eventually was deported to the concentration camp Sachsenhausen, where he died in 1944.

real life: Deutschland (2010)
A documentary about Afro-German youth.

Black Tape
A documentary on the history of German hip hop, featuring several Afro-German musicians.


Toxi (1952)
Toxi tells the story of a young Afro-German girl of the same name who finds herself living with a white middle-class German family.

Schwarzfahrer (1993)
Pepe Danquart’s Oscar-winning short film from 1993 captures the daily racism a black man experiences on the tram.

Teza (2009)
Teza tells the story of an Ethiopian student migrating back and forth between Ethiopia, West Germany, and East Germany.

Kleine Große Stimme (2015)
Kleine Große Stimme tells the tale of an Austrian boy seeking his African American father.

Neger, Neger, Schornsteinfeger!
Premiering in 2006 on German television, it is also available with English subtitles.

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